DSP Publications
Harmony Ink Press
Turtlehat Creatives
Books Published By Turtlehat Creatives
Lost BoyCovering the CowboyThe Cowboy's TexanSilver Buckle LiningsHigh NoteSecond Chance CowboyThe Cowboy GuardianHere, Kitty KittyThe Meaning of LifeBack in the SaddleIn the Morning LightCowboy HealingTipping the BarrelThe Cowboy ContractBroken InCowboy HavenSecurity DetailPerfectly SeasonedCowboy LogicWicked in WranglersAspen's SongBoys in the BandMud, Movies, Bullets, and BullsRanch MannyThis Old WindSoft Place to FallRiver's EdgeWhen the Bloom is on the SageSeashores of Old MexicoTouching EvilTruth or ConsequencesCowboy in the CrosshairsTwo of a KindSlipRefiredCome Back AroundWhiskey to WineFinding Mr. WrightForged in MagicCowboy's LawThe Long Road HomeBaker's DozenBreaking the IceRoad Trip Vol. 1Road Trip Vol. 2Rough in WranglersStetsons and StakeoutsHurricaneRain and WhiskeyTropical DepressionSay SomethingOil and WaterEye of the DragonPrivate DancesLiving in Fast ForwardFighting AddictionTrial by FireOranges and PeppermintCommitment RanchBrownie's SwayRainbow RodeoNeeding ToRing My BellA Christmas WrenOld Town NewAsk AgainBest New ArtistLatigoReal WorldWhat the Cat Dragged InJust Like Cats and DogsThings that Go Bump in the NightBombs and GuacamoleAmmo and EnchiladasLong Black CadillacEver the SameUnearthedLuck of the DrawIn Wulf's ClothingTimeless HungerStealing BasesRedemption's RideChasing the MoonCabin FeverHammer and TongsSpilled InkShutter SpeedBack FortyWorking JerusalemCrossing the RiverWolf RunBrewingSara's CowboyClaiming Their MateClimbing the LadderOpening the CageChasing FlameSetting His SightsSmashing the SpotlightNeeding to BreatheTwo Cowboys and a BabyAlpha CallNature CallCatch and ReleaseAdding to the CollectionHome for the HollandaiseSnake OilCereus: TrainingLink to the CrescentCereus: OpeningHappy EndingsGames Girls PlayCereus: BuildingMating CallThe Articles of ReleaseDesert LoboWolf BayouBright Lights and Boob JobsBustles and DoeskinThe Terms of Release
Tygerseye Publishing
Books Published By Tygerseye Publishing
Thawed OutDiamonds in the RoughNew TricksPick Up ManThe Trouble With CowboysHoneymoon in the CardsCowboys and CupcakesSeeds and SunshineHome FreeWholly TrinityChristmas BizarreCowboy ProtectionMaking the RulesSin DeepRoped InHide BoundBigger Than UsMaking a MarkCrypticTemptation RanchTending TylerKeeping PromisesJust DexSpecial DeliveryBreaking the RulesFlying BlindThe Soldier and the AngelNo GhostsRazor's EdgeSyncopationWindow DressingHeart of a CowboyFirst RodeoLand of EnchantmentWreckedLone Star in JerseyRefraction